Freelance Job Picks (Vol. 1)

Hello, African freelancers, we have added a whole lot of new sections of the website for your benefit, and one of the new sections we added is 'Freelance Job Picks' where we curate freelance jobs we found online for you. Isn't that exciting? Here is our first ever freelance job picks: Freelance Writer needed at …

Dear freelancer, stop underestimating yourself. Your time. Your skill-sets.

Dear freelancer, stop underestimating yourself. Your time. Your skill-sets.

"Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is youer than you."- Dr Seuss As a burgeoning freelancer, it could be pretty hard- especially when you’re at the bottom rungs of the ladder to earn the big bucks. These, are seemingly reserved for the guys at the top, …

Do Freelancers Need CVs?

Freelancers; whether freelance writers, graphic designers, social media managers, web developers, etc. often apply for good jobs without using their CVs in the application process. However, some employers or clients request for CVs when freelancers apply for freelance jobs. This brings us to the question, "Do freelancers need CVs?" Before we ask if freelancers need …

New to Freelancing? Here’s how to Earn your First $1000 per Article

Disclaimer: This article is not on your conventional online freelance writing.  Truth be told, online writing despite the hype heaped on it is not THAAAT rosy. Why? It teaches you how to write crappy, quickly researched articles that pay so poorly that you will have to slave for many years before you break even. For …