5 things stopping you from getting your dream clients

5 things stopping you from getting your dream clients

As a freelancer, getting clients is probably one of the hardest things about the job. Somethings its not about the unavailability of clients, sometimes it might just be that you are doing the wrong things or sending the wrong signals to potential clients. Here are five things stopping you from getting your dream clients. 1. Not …



Co-working space is one of the latest, beautiful and rising trends in the Nigerian Entrepreneurial Community which is daily making being an Entrepreneur an easy thing to be in the aspect of having an office/working space. A co-working space is every Entrepreneur’s friend and Holy Grail. For professionals who work from home like Freelancers, it …

How to Start a Thriving Freelance Business in School

Being a student is hard. From the examinations and tests to the extra-curricular activities, sleepless nights spent studying and the constant unavailability of money. Enrolling into a university can sometimes be described as signing up for punishment. As hard as it is, many people go through four years or more of university without breaking down, some …

A guideline to digital marketing for freelancers: Local SEO

A guideline to digital marketing for freelancers: Local SEO

Marketing has always been an important area for the success of any business, many businesses including freelance invest both time and money into marketing their services. Various methods have been known to be used to market goods and services ranging from sharing handbills to printing posters and erecting billboards, however, with time, these traditional methods …